CorWest Recognized By Inspector For Quality Work

We here at CorWest take great pride in the work we do to build quality homes through sound, proven, and consistent processes. We are also glad that this is reflected in the detailed inspection reports we recently received from Pacific Home Warranty.  Unbeknownst to us, Pacific Home Warranty conducted a surprise site inspection of four of our homes. Their findings were extremely positive, as these sites were clean and accessible with a good quality build. They also noted that there was a clear attention to detail exemplified within the build. Between that and the good finish on the exterior stucco coat, the inspections found no fault with our sites.

This is a major achievement that CorWest, and our associated suppliers and traders, strive for every day. We try to ensure that everyone is on the same page of our philosophy of responsibility and accountability. Our philosophy is that everyone is individually responsible for our tasks, but everyone is collectively accountable for the entire project. Within the process of building a home that will last, there can be no shortcuts, settling for just good enough, or taking the easy way out. Our clients deserve only the best and we commit to that philosophy with every project we set out to do. Because if it’s built by us, it feels like home.